Bay ROES Colors

Following is a list of our standard colors and their corresponding RGB values. These colors can be applied to strokes, text, backgrounds, fill nodes, and more by using the Options Palette in Bay ROES. To float the Options Palette and make selecting options in Bay ROES easier, hold down the ALT key (Windows) or OPTION key (Mac) and click on the OPTIONS button.

White - 255, 255, 255

Black - 0, 0, 0

Slate Gray - 102, 102, 102

Silver - 192, 192, 192

Ghost White - 248, 248, 255

Ivory - 255, 255, 240

Cream - 249, 244, 226

Old Lace - 253, 245, 230

Seashell - 255, 245, 238

Beige - 223, 211, 193

Peach - 255, 226, 180

Tan - 210, 181, 139

Taupe - 132, 118, 107

Brown - 95, 66, 25

Dark Brown - 63, 37, 12

Khaki - 223, 221, 193

Mint Cream - 245, 255, 250

Pale Olive - 209, 223, 193

Sage - 174, 192, 180

Lime - 141, 198, 63

Green - 0, 128, 0

Forest Green - 36, 68, 47

Ocean Blue - 0, 104, 139

Teal - 164, 193, 192

Pale Turquoise - 193, 223, 219

Light Blue - 193, 214, 223

Steel Blue - 193, 205, 223

Gray Blue - 170, 182, 204

Sky Blue - 216, 227, 245

Medium Blue - 51, 102, 204

Royal Blue - 49, 62, 197

Navy - 0, 0, 128

Light Purple - 193, 193, 223

Lavender - 191, 170, 203

Purple - 136, 62, 197

Light Plum - 223, 193, 223

Dark Plum - 139, 123, 139

Blush - 223, 193, 193

Dusty Rose - 202, 170, 173

Pale Pink - 250, 233, 243

Pink - 247, 202, 238

Fuschia - 194, 10, 118

Cardinal - 196, 30, 58

Burgundy - 144, 36, 36

Poppy - 194, 87, 55

Red - 240, 27, 15

Orange - 255, 159, 0

Gold - 234, 193, 55

Yellow - 255, 248, 0

Light Yellow - 255, 255, 224

Bay ROES Fonts

Most products support the use of any fonts installed on your system. The fonts below are used with Sports/Schools/Events templates, Album and Book pages, and template prints. Note that fonts will not display properly in ROES unless they are installed on your system.


Sample text shown in Aachen


Sample text shown in Arial


Sample text shown in Artistik

Avant Garde

Sample text shown in Avant Garde


Sample text shown in Bonk


Sample text shown in Brody


Sample text shown in Brush

Caslon Bold

Sample text shown in Caslon Bold

Edwardian Script

Sample text shown in Edwardian Script

French Script

Sample text shown in French Script

Gill Sans Ultra Bold

Sample text shown in Gill Sans Ultra Bold

Goudy Old Style

Sample text shown in Goudy Old Style

Kunstler Script

Sample text shown in Kunstler Script

Lucida Calligraphy

Sample text shown in Lucida Calligraphy

New Berolina

Sample text shown in New Berolina

Nuptial Script

Sample text shown in Nuptial Script

Old Fashion Script

Sample text shown in Old Fashion Script


Sample text shown in Palatino


Sample text shown in Papyrus

Post Antiqua

Sample text shown in Post Antiqua


Sample text shown in Scriptina


Sample text shown in Thwack


Sample text shown in Verdana

Viner Hand

Sample text shown in Viner Hand


Sample text shown in Vivaldi

Vladmir Script

Sample text shown in Vladmir Script